
🏢 Company Overview

data.world is the modern catalog for data and analysis. It helps bring data out of silos to make it accessible and impactful for everyone in a company, regardless of whether they’re a “data person.”

data.world already has the world’s largest collaborative data community, and is currently building a data marketplace to address the external data industry.

My internship was within data.world’s data marketplace team, helping build both supply and demand.

🗃️ Supply

Suppliers are the providers of data, such as PeopleDataLabs and Corelogic, that data.world wants to partner with. These providers would put their data on data.world's marketplace for better visibility + selling power. Below are the different things I did during my internship to build supply.

Vendor Database

Purpose: Map the current supply of data vendors present in various marketplaces to determine the optimal placement for data.world's marketplace.

External Data Demo

Purpose: Demonstrate how a customer of external data would evaluate a sample dataset using the data.world catalog. This emphasizes the marketplace's integration with the catalog, significantly reducing friction for customers and thus persuading vendors to join the marketplace.